Commercial & Corporate

Estrella, LLC excels at advising clients large and small in commercial and corporate law as well as in structuring complex transactions. We represent entrepreneurs and corporations at every stage of business planning and development. From business start-up and financing to implementing steps for growth, our Puerto Rico corporate attorneys are dedicated to providing business clients with the confidence and strategy necessary to achieve their long-term goals.

Our attorneys encourage our commercial and corporate clients to take a strategic approach to legal matters. We counsel our clients through all phases of a business transaction, including business planning, financing, tax strategy, intellectual property and real estate matters.

We are skilled at crisis management. Most businesses, especially those with an international presence, will face a crisis of some legal nature at some point. Our attorneys rely on their experience and skills as trusted counselors and negotiators to help our clients manage any crisis.

Corporate M&A 2023

ALL Doing Business Guide 2024

Entrepreneurship & Start-ups

At Estrella, LLC, we are passionate about entrepreneurship. Founders of businesses face many complicated decisions that will impact their business and finances for years to come.   Because of these far-reaching implications, start-up companies need to partner with skilled attorneys who have vast experience in Puerto Rico’s business climate. We do our best to ease our entrepreneurial clients’ concerns. We nurture and support entrepreneurs through all phases of business development, including creating a comprehensive business plan, selecting a business entity, securing financing and drafting the necessary documents.  Entrepreneurship requires a huge investment of time and money. At Estrella, LLC, we honor that investment by guiding entrepreneurs to make smart decisions that pave the road for lasting success.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Whether our clients are acquiring another company or find themselves the target for a merger or acquisition, our attorneys will serve as engaging, trusted negotiators to get the deal done. With our vast corporate experience and thorough understanding of Puerto Rico law, we foster mergers and acquisitions for companies of all sizes. When assisting a selling client, we prepare well in advance of the potential merger or sale by preparing necessary documents, assessing any potential problems with selling and providing comprehensive advice on all matters related to the sale. When helping a buyer, we conduct due diligence investigations into the selling company’s records and operating procedures, consider potential risks and draft any necessary documents to close the transaction.

Secured Transactions

The attorneys at Estrella, LLC are skilled business lawyers with extensive experience in structuring, negotiating and closing business and real estate transactions. When asset-based financing deals arise, we ensure that all necessary filings and steps are taken to secure the assets on behalf of our clients.  Our goal is to anticipate and address the growing needs of entrepreneurs, business owners and corporations alike.

Renewable Energy

The renewable energy arena raises many legal issues that require unique skills and expertise.  At Estrella, LLC, we have the requisite knowledge to handle renewable energy matters related to finance, taxation, mergers and acquisitions, environmental law, intellectual property and project development. We advise a diverse group of clients who are committed to developing and utilizing renewable energy products, including developers, contractors, investors, lenders and landowners. Our vast experience in the energy industry gives our firm extensive insight into the complex federal, local and Commonwealth laws that regulate the industry. Not only do our attorneys help our corporate clients understand how their energy decisions will impact their businesses, but we also advise our clients about the regulatory limitations that may affect the way their businesses operate.

Intellectual Property

Our firm’s intellectual property law practice has continued to evolve throughout the years. Our practice includes local and federal registration and litigation regarding trademarks, copyright, trade secrets, unfair competition and advertising matters. We serve our clients passionately and effectively and look forward to continuing to reinvent our practice to best benefit our clients, our objective always being to promote progress in Puerto Rico.

Real Estate

In order to meet the needs of our ever-growing clients, our firm has corporate lawyers experienced in structuring complex real estate transactions while offering our clients creative solutions to their transactions and particular needs.  Spanish civil law tradition, and the figure of the Notary Public, real estate transactions in Puerto Rico are complex, regardless of the amounts involved.  Hence the importance of experienced counsel that can guide you thru the process.  Estrella LLC has that experience.  From helping retail clients through the acquisition, zoning, licensing and construction process, to structuring complex real estate transactions, we have the combined experience to assist our clients thru any real estate transaction.